Changed Relationship

antique cash register

Soon after graduating high school I obtained my first job. Not really a first, as before that I would babysit the neighbor’s granddaughter, on weekends and in the summer. However, my first real job as a cashier of a Five & Dime. I was excited, but a bit apprehensive too, because I didn’t know how to count back change and I was afraid of making a mistake and embarrassing myself.

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Start a blog using WordPress; it’ll be easy. You’ll spend most of your time writing and everything else is taken care of for you. That is pretty much what they say and it’s intriguing and I’ve always enjoyed writing, even as a kid, so here I am, trying to make a go of this.  However, I’m finding out this is not as Continue reading “Housekeeping”

Information Super Highway

stack of punch cards

In the early 70s, when I was about 10 or maybe 11 years of age, my brother, eight years older than me, got a job with a computer company in Dallas. I remember thinking, he must be really smart, to get a job like that. I don’t remember what his job title was or his job description, probably, because no one really talked about it. And they probably didn’t talk about it, because my parents didn’t really know Continue reading “Information Super Highway”

Still Gathering String